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  • Fast-Absorbing L-Carnitine
  • Helps Convert Fat to Energy
  • Helps Increase Endurance
  • Dietary Supplement
L-Carnitine plays an important metabolic role in fat burning and energy production. Scientific research has demonstrated that L-Carnitine assists your body in converting fat to energy. L-Carnitine helps to tap into your body's fat supply by providing support to have fatty acids transported to your muscles where they can be burned as energy. This process can aid in weight loss and improve athletic performance such as increased endurance.

L-Carnitine is not a stimulant and can easily be combined with other diet products. To optimize results LIPO- 6 Carnitine provides L-Carnitine in fast-absorbing liquid capsules.

Nutrex Research Labs, Lipo-6卡尼丁,120粒液體膠囊








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